Money For Sports Teams, Schools, Music Groups, Churches, Ministries, Worthy Causes, and People!
For "free" information & attentive help,  please call and/or complete the Contact Us Form found on each website page. We hope you are encouraged by the enclosed information and video and audio links. Thanks, George Leppard
Your Subtitle text

(Home Page) Page #1 of this website: Seven (7) Kind and Encouraging Letters (Diverse Groups) with Seven (7) Rod Smith (Denver Broncos) Video and Audio Links prepared after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012.

Page #2 of this website: Abundant Funding for High School and College Sports Teams and Athletic Programs, S
chools, Music Groups, Nonprofit Groups, Community Groups, Churches, Ministries, Hospitals, Worthy Causes, etc.; and Impressive Income Generation for Open-Minded Individuals

Page #3 of this website is About Us and How and Why we decided to help people in 31 countries and in all 50 states to be able to earn very impressive part-time or full-time incomes. This could easily be accomplished while I still was able to help schools, teams, churches, causes, etc., to have lots of money. 

Page #4 of this website shares through 24 video tapes and the experiences of real-life people How and Why impressive funding and income earnings are being realized by ordinary people because they care about people, are not lazy, and are willing to set and focus on attaining realistic, attainable goals.

Page #5 of this website: 23 additional videos and website links to encourage!

From: George Leppard
“Funding and Income Generation
for High School & College Sports Teams & Other Groups -- and People Who Care" 
342 Saint Thomas Drive
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
Call: 1-848-221-2112
Websites: and and

Important Helpful Keys: A convenient and easy-to-use Contact Us Form is found at the bottom of this page. Also,  
important links for Rod Smith (Denver Broncos) videos and an audio are found toward the end of the page's content. 

site was updated on September 9, 2013)

NOTE: Rod Smith and Karl Mecklenburg (members of the highly regarded Denver Broncos' Ring of Fame) are pictured on this website's page as each of these solid men of character cooperate with me (George Leppard) so that we can maximize the funding and income generation for the teams, groups, people, etc., that we are blessed to help. Smith (wide receiver) and Mecklenburg (played seven defensive positions) each served the Denver Broncos as captains of their football teams during their NFL playing days and continue to serve others today thanks to their unselfish, caring attitudes, gifts, and talents. Both men have gone on to great success in life after completing their great NFL football careers. Karl is the author of the wonderful award-winning book "Heart of a Student Athlete", which is a great read for young people and adults. Rod (see videos below) is especially gifted in helping individuals and groups to work exceptionally well as a team in order for them to achieve great goals through effective funding. Rod also excels in helping people to earn personal income.

September 24, 2014

Dear Head Coaches, Athletic Directors, PrincipalsSchool and Church Leaders, College Alumni LeadersDevelopment Directors, School Administrators, Music Directors, Booster Club Leaders, Pastors, Priests, Youth Group or Ministry Leaders, Hospital Leaders, etc.; and Business Owners, Honorably Discharged Soldiers, Parents and Family Members Who Might Like to Earn Impressive Incomes, etc.,

This letter was initially written by me (George Leppard) shortly after Hurricane Sandy ripped into the Jersey Shore on October 29, 2012. The damage in our community and Monmouth and Ocean Counties (NJ) was horrific. I am thankful to God for the fact that the water from the Atlantic Ocean stopped about a half mile from our home here in Brielle (NJ) which is located in Monmouth County (NJ) -- after having overflowed about one mile inland. Our home’s damage was minimal even though we were without electricity for about two weeks. On August 15, 2013, my wife (Kathy) and I (George) moved to Toms River (NJ) which is also considered as being part of the Jersey Shore.

Thanks for caring enough to read and/or hear the “Seven Kind and Encouraging Letters” that follow below.

It is also my privilege and pleasure to thank our great and loving God for allowing me to share with you and many other caring and open-minded people such wonderful ways to generate impressive funding for schools, sports teams, churches, ministries, nonprofit groups, causes, etc.; and/or incomes for families and individuals.

Please be assured that I am NOT communicating with you here for the purpose of having you spend money. In fact, just the opposite is what we offer since I gladly provide our professional services free of charge.

We simply seek to help our nation’s schools, teams, churches, ministries, youth groups, nonprofit groups, causes, and people to have abundant funding and incomes while helping many to care about other people.

It was on a hot August [1998] morning, that I believe God quietly and with specific detail impressed upon me to do that which we now do. It has taken nearly 15 years of specific preparation to complete what I now offer.

Six (6) of the seven (7) letters found below are from people whose school, sport's team, group, etc., we had helped to appreciate our funding services during my 23 years of raising funds in 48 of our nation’s 50 states (all but Hawaii and Alaska). The seventh letter (Letter #6) was written by my humble and excellent teaching and caring pastor (Walt Healy). I greatly respect Pastor Walt and am thankful to him for many solid reasons.

NOTE: It was in March of 2013 that I concluded that at that juncture in my life I had accomplished a significant part of what God had called me and enabled me to successfully accomplish. At that time, I believed that it was now time for me to return to financially helping public schools, sports teams, and nonprofit groups, causes, and organizations once again while also still financially helping and blessing Christian and Catholic schools, athletic programs and teams, churches, God-pleasing causes, missionaries, ministries, etc.

At that time I was also inspired to make available to many throughout our nation -- wonderful ways for individuals and their families to earn substantial incomes for their own personal and financial needs and objectives. Yes, we can truly help you and many others in big ways -- even though our nation’s economic well-being is under greater stress and hurt today than I have ever seen during my lifetime.

I am most grateful to the approximate 500 hundred people who have taken the time to write and send to me in letter format their heartfelt thanks for my having helped them and their teams or groups to have plenty of money. To the many men and women from throughout the United States who have taken the time to send me their kind and encouraging letters I now say, Thank You!


Please slowly and attentively read and/or listen to the seven letters that follow. I could have included hundreds more. After you have read or listened to these letters, I hope and believe that you and many others just might be inclined to want to discover more about why, what, and how we do what we do free of any charge to you -- in order to generate substantial funding and incomes for many nonprofit groups and people nationwide.

Please don't miss this great opportunity to be blessed and to be a blessing. Also, feel free to contact me at any time and for any reason.

Thanks for caring,

George Leppard

Contact Information:

George Leppard
342 Saint Thomas Drive
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
Call: 1-(848) 221-2112
Websites: and and 

*Seven (7) Kind and Encouraging Letters

*Letter #1: May 3, 1985 (From: Glenn W. Killingsworth, Head Football Coach from Ontario, California)

To: Whom It May Concern:

This letter is about George Leppard and his ability to raise funds and to effectively motivate, encourage, and organize young people and adults so that they get the job done well and with big results.

George understands people and he has a no-nonsense approach that is informative and positively hits home. He has a unique ability to hold his audience's attention while helping them to want to do well.

George is a rarity in today's fast-paced world of business. His integrity is solid, his dependability is assuring, his enthusiasm is catching, his ability to adjust to multiple and diverse situations is exceptional, and his desire to help is sincere. He listens and discerns extremely well. He is truly gifted in group dynamics.

George is not a phony who just wants to make money for himself. He really wants your group and its people to do well. George cares. He really cares! If you utilize his “no-charge” services, and I believe that you should, you will find out what a nice guy he is. I most highly recommend George as a genuine "real-deal" guy.

Don’t miss this chance to let George help you and those you lead.


Glenn W. Killingsworth (Head Football Coach)
Chaffey High School (Ontario, California)


*Letter #2: October 1, 1997 (From: Rich McKeon, Head Baseball Coach from Woodland Hills, California)

Dear George,

Thanks for helping our baseball program for the second time in three years. Our team and student-athletes have greatly benefited in many ways thanks to your long-distance, personalized, on-site, direct assistance.

It is amazing as to how much money can be generated by just 37 high school students when they are effectively and professionally motivated and organized. Your leadership, George, has helped our baseball program earn over $11,000 in just two-weeks. And it was fun! This substantial sum of money has helped us to be able to provide many good things for our baseball program, which we never would have had so quickly had we not worked with you.

In addition to the impressive amount of money that we earned with your help at our school, our kids have also experienced first-hand how good things happen when an entire baseball program unselfishly and intelligently works together.

I, as a head coach, especially appreciate the fact that you flew all the way from New Jersey to Los Angeles on two separate occasions, at your own expense, to help us to achieve our baseball program's goals. It was actually enjoyable for me to have worked closely with a man who considers good character and morals as being very important. I am also grateful that you helped us to clearly see that a team is more likely to succeed when its members do things well and right.

Feel free to use my name as a reference to other coaches at any time. We look forward to again working with you this school year. Have a great school year.


Rich McKeon (Head Baseball Coach)
Taft High School (Woodland Hills, California)

*Letter #3: April 12, 1983 (From: The Catholic Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania)

Dear Mr. Leppard,

Thank you, George, for the excellent presentation that you delivered to our high school principals during their annual workshop at the Pocono Hershey Resort. Our entire group was able to benefit from your insights regarding the motivation of high school students and the actual organization of fund-raising projects.

You have a highly refined approach to school fund-raising that has been developed during your many years of helping schools and people. I am pleased to hear that some of our principals have decided to utilize your services to benefit their students and their schools.

I wish you the best in your future projects and again thank you for the dynamic presentation that you delivered to our high school principals.

Sincerely yours,

John R. Clark
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education for the Diocese of Allentown (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

*Letter #4: May 2, 1990 (From: Ken Kraft, Head Baseball Coach from Covington, Kentucky)

Hi George,

It is my pleasure to express my thanks for your professionalism and kindness in helping the Holmes High School baseball program. Your presentation to our team was informative, beneficial, practical, profitable, and team-oriented for our players and coaches.

What I like most about your approach to fund-raising is that you place very positive emphasis on the importance of personal and team self-discipline and internal-motivation for the right reasons.

Most head coaches realize how vital self-discipline and personal motivation are when it comes to building a successful team-oriented baseball or sport's program and to achieving long-range success and happiness in life for those that we are in regular contact with and that we frequently work closely with on an almost daily-basis.

The organization and enthusiasm that you displayed while you were at our school left a very good and lasting impression on our baseball program's members and coaches.

If you know head coaches who have money needs, then please do not hesitate to encourage them to give me a call. I truly believe that if an adult leader or coach does not give your program a serious look -- then that person is actually cheating his or her kids out of a great life-experience.

Thank you,

Ken Kraft (Head Baseball Coach)
Holmes High School (Covington, Kentucky)


*Letter #5: January 25, 1996 (From: Jim Meert, Head Football Coach from Flemington, New Jersey)

Dear Coach,

We have raised over $13,000 for our football program with George Leppard’s help.

This money has been used to establish scholarships for our players, SAT review classes for our high school students, video-editing equipment, and new game uniforms -- to mention just a few of the uses of the funds we have raised with Mr. Leppard’s very capable help.

We are committed to working with Mr. Leppard whether we have a serious financial need or not. Having worked closely with George on multiple occasions, I now realize that the intangible benefits experienced by our football program by working with him are even more important than the impressive funds that we were actually able to generate so quickly with his professional assistance.

George is great to work with. He has a deep passion for what he does and for the people that he helps. I urge you to seek his input. His experience, talents, and wisdom can really help your team.


Jim Meert (Head Football Coach)
Hunterdon Central High School (Flemington, New Jersey)


*Letter #6: June 15, 2005

From: Pastor Walt Healy (Senior and Founding Pastor)
The Church of Grace and Peace (Toms River, New Jersey)

To Whom It May Concern:

George Leppard has been under my pastorate for quite some time now [17 years as of November 2, 2014]. During this time, his zeal in pursuing the Kingdom of God has never flagged and he has inspired many. His sincere desire for personal growth in Christian maturity and fruitful labor is second to none.

George has integrated into active church participation and has invested consistently in going out of his way to bring encouragement and comfort to others. His life and testimony are consistent with Biblical standards. His integrity is strong. His concern for others and their Christian growth is sincere and genuine.

George's desire to see the Word of God spread to all people is unparalleled in my experience. He is virtually consumed with the concept of having the Good News spread to every home in the world. I can only hope and pray that he succeeds.

I have no hesitation in highly recommending him to you and pray that he may be of service to you so that your fruitfulness abounds.

Yours for the Truth,

Walter W. Healy (Senior Pastor)
The Church of Grace and Peace (Toms River, New Jersey)

*Letter #7: May 12, 1997 (From: Scott Cornett, Head College Baseball Coach from Pippa Passes, Kentucky)

Dear George,

Thank you for the wonderful fund-raising program that you provided for us here at Alice Lloyd College. I have been raising money for our baseball program for seven years and have never come close to the quality of exceptional service and assistance that you have given. I look forward to again working with you. Thanks!


Scott Cornett (Head Baseball Coach)
*Alice Lloyd College (Pippa Passes, Kentucky)

*George Leppard’s Closing Insights and Seven (7) Rod Smith (Denver Broncos) Video and Audio Links

Please keep in mind that Alice Lloyd College’s baseball program consisted of less than 29 students and coaches. This small but very special group of college guys and their coaches generated about $12,000 in much needed revenue for their important goals.

I thank God for enabling me to work effectively with Coach Cornett and so many other decent, caring, and unselfish people in 48 of our nation’s 50 states. People such as Coach Cornett and others are truly a special gift from God.

One of the most important keys in achieving great results during the 23 years that I have helped about 1,300 high school and college athletic programs and teams, nationwide, has rested in the fact that most of the men and women that I was blessed to work closely with -- were caring people, who were open to our suggestions and were willing to do easy-to-accomplish little things well. Thus, it is easy to have great success as God works in and through caring people.

I urge you to read, watch, and/or listen to each of the “free” resources that I might make available to you. It is not necessary to internalize everything.

However, my experience tells me that great success is very likely to be realized for your team or group -- and for you if you treat seriously and not superficially whatever I might make available to you. I believe that what we share with those we help sheds much light on why, what, and how we do what we do to treat others as we would like others to treat us.

P.S. It is my pleasure and privilege to announce that starting on July 10, 2013, in addition to helping schools, teams, churches, nonprofit groups, hospitals, worthy causes, etc., to have money --  I am now also able to help individuals and families to generate impressive part-time or full-time incomes even during tough financial times. Yes, indeed, God is willing and He is able to help. Check out God's Word in Matthew 7:7-11; Matthew 8:1-3; and Matthew 9:28-30.

Our son (Kevin) and Mr. Rod Smith (former NFL record breaking wide receiver of the National Football League’s Denver Broncos and September 23, 2012 inductee into the Denver Broncos Ring of Fame) will be partnering and working closely together with Kevin and me -- in order to be a blessing [financially and in other ways] to many people and great causes.

Eight Video (8) Links on Rod Smith and the Importance of Winning Attitudes in Life and in Sports

01)Let us start with a very short GMC (General Motors Corp.) video (NFL LEGENDS) that features Rod Smith, the former NFL great wide receiver who is the only player in the history of the NFL to not be drafted and who went on to gain over 11,000 pass receiving yards. In this video (titled "Never Say Never"), Rod Smith effectively expresses his great attitude about the importance of being well-focused while being blessed with strong mental toughness and perseverance. This video runs 01:36. Please simply click onto the following link to view the video:

02) Here is a short highlight video of the Denver Broncos great wide receiver Rod Smith who is a strong and caring leader as we seek to financially help teams & people throughout the United States.
This video runs 03:18. Please simply click onto the following link to view the video: 


Rod Smith

Unlike many retired NFL players, Rod Smith (former Broncos' wide receiver above) has thrived after football because he came into the league as an un-drafted free agent who "never wanted to end up as a homeless guy who once played in the NFL."

According to Jeffrey Chadiha (, as of May 31, 2012, Rod currently "runs a coffee business that has generated more than $13 million in sales since his 13-year NFL career ended in 2006." Since that 2012 ESPN article appeared, Mr. Smith's coffee venture has increased in volume as he helps people throughout the world who want to help others become financially secure. I and our son (Kevin) have been blessed by Rod's leadership in that same successful business of helping others.

03) Next is a revealing video on the wonderful career of the great Denver Broncos' wide receiver (Rod Smith), who works closely with us in helping teams, schools, churches, worthy causes, people, etc., to be financially blessed while caring about those that we are fortunate to be able to encourage, lead, and help. This video (made available thanks to runs 02:59. Please simply click onto the following link to view the video:

04) Rod Smith is a caring and compassionate man. In this video you will see Rod's unselfish, compassionate side as he talks about the devastation that occurred in the Joplin (MO) tornado on May 22, 2011, that killed 158 people, injured 1,150, and did about $2.8 billion in damage (costliest tornado in our nation's history). Mr. Smith graduated and played his college football at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin and herein shows his solid leadership and loyalty to the people of Joplin. Rod truly cares about things that truly matter. He is certainly not a selfish, non-caring person.

This video (made available thanks to runs 04:51. Please simply click onto the following link to view the video:

05) Next is an insightful video worth viewing and listening to closely about Rod Smith and his solid, well-focused work ethic. Pat Bowlen (Denver Broncos’ owner) and Mike Shanahan (former Broncos’ head coach) praise Rod for his great and unselfish team attitude. Smith expresses his sincere appreciation for his NFL career experiences with the Broncos. This video is valued by coaches, parents, student-athletes, and people who care about the importance of unselfish teamwork. It was filmed on 07-24-08. The video's running-time is 32:00. Please simply click onto the following link to view and listen to this excellent video press conference:

06) We believe you will gain helpful insight as to how Rod Smith has overcome so many obstacles in his life while attaining magnificent success before, during, and after 14 years as a Bronco wide receiver. Adult leaders, coaches, parents, educators, young people, etc., can benefit from this Denver press conference held three days before Smith’s well-deserved induction into the Broncos Ring of Fame.
This 09-20-12 Part 1 video runs 14:54. Please simply click onto the following link to view this video:

07) We are also pleased to bring to you the continuation of the above referenced Rod Smith/Denver Broncos Press Conference three days before his induction into the Broncos Ring of Fame. This Part 2 video runs 18:29. Please simply click onto the following link to view this video:

08) Here is the September 23, 2012 halftime induction ceremony of Rod Smith into the Broncos Ring of Fame before about 76,000 home fans at Sports Authority Field at Mile High in Denver (CO). This video runs 07:20. Please simply click onto the following link to view this video:

The best and most efficient way for you to receive from me complete free information is to simply call me today and/or complete the convenient, easy-to-use Contact Us Form found at the bottom of this website's page and/or at the bottom of the other website pages.

If I don’t answer the phone when you call, please simply leave your name, the name of your team/group, school, message, and daytime and evening phone numbers with area codes. I am good at returning phone calls. 

Also, if you choose to email me, please provide me with your name, the name of your group, school, team, location, and your phone numbers with area codes to be reached at in the daytime and in the evening. Please let me know specifically for what goals you would enjoy having lots of money, which you currently do not have.

Please help me to help you by providing me with your preferred daytime phone # and evening phone # with area codes since it is very difficult to help teams and groups to have lots of money if I can’t connect and explain the important specifics via phone or in person in a well-focused manner in which there are no distractions.

I have never seen so many teams and nonprofit groups that need financial assistance as is the situation in our nation today in the year 2013.

Please call and/or email me today. I love to help those who sincerely care enough to want to do their best with the time and talents that they are blessed to have. Thus, please feel free to call me any time, any hour, any day. Feel free also to complete and send to us the convenient, easy-to-use Contact Us Form found below.

It is my privilege, pleasure, and honor to be able to help you and your team, or group/s, etc. Fundraising done well and right is a great blessing for so many teams, schools, groups, and people in need of significant financial help.

Gratefully to Christ and to you,

George Leppard

From: George Leppard

“Funding Specialists for High School and College Sports Teams and Other Groups”

342 Saint Thomas Drive
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
Call: 1-848-221-2112
Websites: and and

Listed below are the nine (9) websites at which one can access our information.

The following seven (7) websites each provide the same exact information. Please feel free to ask me why I have seven different websites that provide the same information. 

Here are our seven (7) funding and income generating information websites:


Next please see our two (2) Christian-oriented, spiritual information websites. The following two (2) websites each provide the same exact information:


Please don't forget to complete and send to us the important Contact Us Form found below. Thanks!

This essentially ends Page 1 (Home Page): 7 Kind Letters & Rod Smith (Denver Broncos) video links of this website.

To access Page 2: Smart Funding and Abundant Funds on this website, please simply click:
To access Page 3: About Us, Funding for Teams, Causes, etc.; & Income Generation for People, please simply click: HERE

To access Page 4: Generating Personal & Impressive Incomes and to View Key Videos, please simply click: HERE
To access Page 5: Other Vital Links (videos, etc.) & having a realistic opportunity to earn impressive income, please simply click HERE

Contact Us Form
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